Rules & Scoring


For every matchup Rank Ride calculates the probability of a qualified ride based on extensive statistical data maintained by This is a unique feature of the Rank Ride platform and is applied to all match-ups to provide real time information to aid you in making a knowledgable selection.  For example:

Chase Dougherty --vs – 519 Hell on the Red = 37.5% chance of a qualified ride

37.5% chance of a qualified ride means the odds are in the bull’s favor with 62.5% chance of a buckoff.

This is a common situation in bull riding - the odds are with the bull most of the time.


The Rank Ride contest produces a score for each rider and each bull based on the outcome of the match. If the rider wins the match and gets a score, the rider has a chance to earn bonuses, likewise, if the bull wins the match he has a chance to earn bonuses. Both rider and bull start with the score given to them by the judges. Possible bonuses are awarded based on the original odds for the matchup.


Dougherty wins and scores 87 points, the bull scores 42.25 points
Hell on the Red scores 42.25 points – no bonus
Dougherty scores 87 points + 1.25 bonus = 88.25 points
The bonus value for the rider is .625 (the % chance of a buckoff)
If the chance of a qualified ride was 60% or greater, the rider gets no bonus
If the chance of a qualified ride was between 40% and 60%, rider gets his bonus (.625 in this case)
If the chance of a qualified ride was 40% or less, rider gets double bonus (1.25 in this case)
If the chance of a qualified ride was 25% or less, rider gets triple bonus (1.875 in this case)


Dougherty bucks off in 4.22 seconds, the bull scores 42.25 points
Dougherty scores 0 + .375 (the % chance of a qualified ride) + 4.22 (time he stayed on) = 4.60 points
Hell on the Red scores 42.25 points + .375 = 42.63 points
The bonus value for the bull is .375 (the % chance of a qualified ride)
If the chance of a qualified ride was 60% or greater, the bull gets double bonus (.750 in this case)
If the chance of a qualified ride was between 40% and 60%, bull gets bonus x 1.5 (.563 in this case)
In all other cases, the bull gets his standard bonus (.375 in this case)

Both riders and bulls earn bonuses by beating the specific odds against them.

Max score for a rider is 100 points per matchup
Max score for a bull is 50 points per matchup

Rank Ride players earn all the points for their chosen riders and bulls from each matchup in the event. Players can maximize points and bonuses (and risk) by selecting riders and bulls who have the odds against them. Players may choose to play it safe by selecting riders and bulls most likely to win their matchups, but with less opportunity for bonuses.